Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Not quite like the 'Burbs' but still

You know the movie, The 'Burbs with Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern, Carrie Fisher, blah, blah, blah?

Anyway, an Asian family just moved into the rental house next door to us. I'm not sure what kind of Asian they are such as Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, or what. They've been in the house for about a month. I haven't quite figured them out yet but I think the wife works while the husband stays home with their 3-yr-old (roughly) daughter and a recently (a month or so) born baby. Also, there are two elderly people which I think may be the grandparents — maternal or paternal, I know not which.

All this is besides the point that I was wanting to post. So, here it is...

They hang their meat outside. Last weekend I saw them hanging some huge steaks on a rope stretched from their garage to a tree but then they moved it to where they were hanging off the back of the house in some way. I think they didn't want the crows or squirrels to get to them. They left them out overnight and for like days to come. In fact, they are still hanging off the back of the house. I'm not sure if they are trying to make jerky or what but maybe we'll find out without actually prying into their lives and asking straight up..."What the hell are you doing with your meat!?"

I'm done!

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