Thursday, May 28, 2009

In the news 05/28/2009

From Sex As a Deadly Weapon? Jury Says Yes...Jury Finds Man Guilty of Spreading HIV

Click here for the article as long as it lasts.

First let me say, I wouldn't want to be one of these women who contracted HIV from this man. Hell, I wouldn't want to be a man who contracted HIV from any woman. the article quotes the defense attorney as saying, " Texas, there is no law mandating that Padieu [defendant] had to tell anyone he was HIV-positive." In ANY state for that matter (in my limited knowledge, of course) so I have to concur. It's not like this guy was cutting himself and flinging his blood to maliciously and possibly infect people. He had consenting adult sex, end of story. Sucks for the ladies but c'mon! I totally think this man should pay for what he did whether it was malicious or not. He knew he was HIV-infected and he didn't do the courteous thing and inform soon-to-be sex partners.

At the same time, the defense attorney once again wisely states, "The women had a responsibility to practice safe sex just as much as Padieu, if not more." Again, I totally agree. I mean the way this guy looks would have scared me off and been my form of practicing safe sex. I just wonder what these women looked liked. Arf! Arf!

Again, I think he should be bound and gagged and hung by his testicles! I think any person who carries a highly infectious, life-threatening disease should have to inform people before having sex. I think carrying medical records around or some kind of barcode scanner to read RFID medical tags or something should definitely be discussed as possible solutions.

Anyway, my real reason for posting is another quote from the defense attorney stating, "No glove, no love, pure and simple...That should have been the rule. If that didn't happen, they should have walked out, and he should have too."

It's better than "if it don't fit, you must acquit!"

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