Sunday, February 14, 2010

2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia

1st thoughts: The opening ceremonies my opinion, my wife's opinion, my children's opinion, my wife's cousin's opinion, her cousin's husband's opinion, and their daughter's opinion.

The opening was too long. Too confusing. Too boring. Some of the graphics on the white floor and curtains was pretty cool but overall it was a dud.

I usually don't watch the opening ceremonies. There is a reason why. This was one of them. The only reason we did watch was because my wife's cousin and family was in town for the NBA All-Star Game (more on that game later).

Sad about the Georgian luger that died. I saw the video. Rough, very rough. 80-90 MPH into a column? I'd have to say near death if not dead upon impact. It's a dangerous sport to begin with but to be a non-test-driven course is just plain insane and irresponsible.

Anyway, I can't say I've made it a point to watch the Olympics this week. Nothing interests me except maybe the speed skating so far. Even the moguls was a little ho hum. I expected a little more pizazz on the jumps but was left wanting.

Hopefully, things will get more exciting and maybe hockey won't disappoint, if I have any time this week or next to watch any of the events.

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