Thursday, June 17, 2010

In the news 06/17/2010

I would have punched her face too and then some. I don't know when this happened but it was on the YouTube most popular page. What I see in the video posted is nothing wrong that the police officer did other than let the situation escalate almost completely out of his control. Before the chick, who isn't even really involved until she shoves the cop, gets popped, you can see some male holding her back. He apparently was the smart one out of the three. What pisses me off more is that women think they shouldn't deserve the same retaliation as men. If a man had swung at the officer, they would have just turned this into a black "racial" thing instead of a black, female racial thing. Again, why the fuck the NAACP has to get involved is beyond me. It wasn't a racial thing. It was a stupid mother-trucking human being thing. Black or white wasn't the issue. It's just complete ignorance and stupidity! Just like all the YouTube comments...I would have punched her and punched her and punched her and had lunch and then come back and punched her some more. Oh, and yes, if it was my mother or daughter, I would definitely think differently. Then if I saw this video, I may get a little more perspective on what went down. After, I would probably punch my mother/daughter/wife in the face too for embarrassing me not just in town but on the World Wide Web!

In a story from Dallas News,
"I thought that was a racist move on their part to have that picture of a little black boy with his head in a trash can," Wallace said.

Click here for the article while it lasts.
Okay, why does the NAACP or any "black" agency always have to cry, racism!? That was my first thought when I saw this article and photograph...that someone was going to blame racism. My immediate thought after was not that the situation screams racism. It screamed a little bit of stupidity on the librarian's part but racism? Puh-lease! Reading anything into this other than a good idea with a bad marketing plan gone bad and you are the reason America is so jacked up these days: the dumb are getting dumber and the rich are profiting off the dumbness!

Besides, how the hell does the mother know, the kids know or anyone know for that matter, which "little, black boy" this is as don't they all look alike?

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