Friday, June 17, 2005

I pissed the wife off...go figure!

Last night when my wife got home from working, the shit hit the fan.

In the mail a few days ago, I got the boot-legged DVD of "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" from a friend. It's not the best quality but it is still pretty good. It has the counter running at the top of the screen and it occasionally covers the faces of the movie characters but it's not long and it doesn't interrupt the overall enjoyment of the movie. Hell, it's kind of cool to watch the movie as many times as I want in the comfort of my home without paying $4.50 (matinee price) each time.

Anyway...Apparently, I wasn't supposed to let the kids watch "Revenge of the Sith". Around 6:30 p.m. last night they asked if they could watch it. I said "sure". I like the fact that they are interested in something that I am very in to. So, I make some dinner and pop in the DVD. All is well. The kids didn't watch two parts of the movie: when Palpatine's face is aged and when Anakin is chargrilled. Other than that, I didn't see anything wrong with an eight and six year old watching the movie.

Fast forward to kids in bed. It's about 11:30 p.m. The wife and I were talking and I mentioned that we watched "Sith". You would have thought that I killed her best friend. She started ranting and raving about how she had told me that she didn't think they should see the movie or it wasn't appropriate for them to see it. How she always thinks about how I would feel about situations and doesn't do some things because it isn't something I wouldn't approve of...blah, blah, blah. I swear it was near hysterics!

I told her that I didn't recall her saying it was a movie they couldn't watch. The weekend after the movie opened I called her after playing tennis to see if she wanted to take the kids to see it. She said that she thought I should check it out first because it was rated PG-13 and she heard it wasn't for kids. I said fine and went to see the movie that day. It wasn't really any worse than the first two movies as far as the violence. It wasn't bad except for the two parts previously mentioned. I relayed that information to her after I got home form seeing the movie. Never did I hear her say that they were "forbidden" to see this movie, especially after I had already previewed it and knew what to expect and the parts that I would think they needed to avoid due to possible nightmares.

She contends that she made it very clear to me they were not to see it and that they were very clear on it as well. She mentioned that they would tell their cousin that they weren't allowed to see it because of Mommy. I'm at work when the cousin is over so I would not hear these conversations. She says THEY [the kids] knew they weren't allowed to see it. I told her that they asked ME and I didn't think there was a problem.

She just kept ranting on and on..."oh, you've really disappointed me. How could you have done this? I would never do something that you asked me not to do with the kids..." On and on...

I felt no guilt, no worry, no remorse. I really didn't think or know it was an issue. I moved on but she couldn't. I'm still not sure she has. No sweat. What's done is done and there's nothing I can do about it and I don't kiss ass to appease.

I don't know what the big deal is other than she thinks I went against what she said. I was not aware of this agreement to not allow them to watch "Sith" but apparently there was one. I guess I should have read the fine print!

Who would have thought a Star Wars movie would have caused such an altercation? I don't believe it...and that is why I fail.

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