Friday, June 03, 2005

No class

No, I'm not talking about my family members! Lol!

I didn't have class today but we did have scheduled conferences with the prof for our "big" paper assignment #1 that is due June 6th.

My conference went well. I was a little confused on one of the topics she gave us to write about and of course the confusing topic is the one I picked (with the assistance of the wife). Anyway, the confusion was put to rest and I think I'll have a good handle on writing the paper. She liked my ideas and arguments no matter how confusing they seemed to me.

I was on the way out of her office when she remembered she needed to hand back my exam. WTF? I just wrote that thing yesterday and she already has it graded? Well, there is only a big, whopping seven of us in the class. I guess it wouldn't be that hard to grade overnight if that's her only class. I'm assuming it is.

So, I get the "blue book" and rush out of her office. The blue book is basically bound notebook paper with a blue cover that is used for such writing tests as I took. A waste of a few extra sheets of cover paper and someone's time, if you ask me.

Anyhow, I'm walking and opening my blue book. On the first page, I see the prof's notations in green. "Good." Further down, "good." Further yet, one more "good." Bottom of page one, "Therefore? Relate to the thesis..." Oh crap, a semi-negative comment? Ok, 3 positive versus 1 so-so. Page two: only two markings for correct punctuation. I always suck at punctuation: too many commas, period in the wrong place, etc. Page three, top of page: "very good point." Cool, back on track. Mid page three: again "Therefore? Relate to the thesis..." Followed by "Try to avoid this [in conclusion]". Bottom of page three: a small demeaning paragraph "this sucks". Just kidding. It basically says my conclusion needs help and to not put any quotes from the story in it.

Last page, no writing from me but comments from her. "Don't forget to relate your arguments to the thesis. Good job! A."


Holy, freakin' conoly! I'm good! Now if I could just make it through the next seventeen days for the end of the semester, all will be good. 1 exam down, two to go.

Jay = 1, Exams = 0

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