Friday, July 21, 2006

A funny Monk moment

I’m a Monk watcher.

I just happened to have it on the channel (USA Network) and I saw the preview for this week’s new show. I normally TiVo the show and watch it a day or so later but I just got done watching “The Matador” and it sucked.

Anyway, one of the funniest parts of the one of the funniest episodes was when Monk was asked by Julie to speak at her school on career day. He followed after an astronaut that handed out laser pointers to all the kids. When it was Monk’s turn, all the kids pointed their laser pointers on Monk and he fruck out!

It was some of the funniest shit I’ve seen.

Oh well. Quick meaningless rant, I guess.

Going to sleep now because tennis at 7:30am comes early and I’m tired as hell already!

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