Monday, December 07, 2009

Heroes is really starting to wear thin

I just finished watching an episode (called The Fifth Stage) of Heroes that was TiVoed on 11/30/2009, a week ago. It reminded me of two episodes ago that I wanted to comment on and just didn't get around to it.

The episode was called Brother's Keeper. Anyway, the Haitian was around Peter and Nathan Petrelli which Nathan was actually Sylar who has Nathan's memories and thoughts. Sylar has a shape-shifting power that's what makes him look like Nathan BUT the Haitian's ability disables the powers of "people with abilities". Hence, Sylar's face should revert to his true face instead of Nathan's revealing who he is to the Peter and the Haitian then all hell should break loose.

Now that I'm reminded of the show's shortfalls, I also remember something from another episode(s).

Matt Parkman was the mind-ability guy that put Nathan's thoughts into Sylar's head and pushed Sylar's mind into some deep, dark place inside the same body, Sylar's. Forward to the next couple of episodes and we see Parkman is having some inner conflict and turmoil with Sylar's mind inside his (Parkman's) head.

Okay, hold the phone. Parkman didn't take Sylar's mind out of his body or absorb it into his own mind. He basically pushed Sylar's mind to the side and put Nathan's mind in command. End of story. At least that's the way it should have been but the writers didn't see it that way. They wanted to fuck the story line and consistency up!

So without getting too worked up and all and continuing with a recap, let's just say that Heroes is falling short on maintaining a following. It sort of reminds me of all the twists and turns in Lost where if you miss an episode you are pretty much screwed on being able to follow what the hell is going on. It's like come on writers. We know you want to continue the series but going off into so many unscripted tangents is a pain in the ass for writers and viewers alike, except the viewers will decide if the show goes on.

I guess it's not that big of a deal to everyone else as it is to me since Lost continued for so long.

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