Wednesday, October 03, 2018

People and toilets

I'm bemused by the actions of people...seemingly educated and professional people.

I had to take a dump at work today. Stall #2 (hehehe) was open so I walked in and this is what I see.

People so afraid of sitting on a bare toilet seat and catching something that they build a 'protective' layer for themselves to sit upon instead.

Feeling protected, they do their duty (hehehe) and leave. But instead of pushing their protective nest into the toilet and flushing it, or not, they leave it. No cares or worries about the next person's feelings. No cares or worries about essentially leaving trash behind. As long as they protected their own ass, why clean up after themselves.

I'd like to punch this fraidy cat bastard in the nut sack!

What this person/these people don't realize is that our restrooms are checked on, wiped down and clean every hour on the hour all day. One could literally eat off the toilet seat and not deal with as many germs as they would eating at their own desk!

Rant over!

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