Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In the news 07/28/2010

Saw in the news today (article here while it lasts) about the decisions the judge made on Arizona's illegal immigration law.

A quick thought for me is, SOMETHING needs to be done and until the federal government gets off their kickbacks in the back pockets, why not let the states drum up some enforcement laws?

A second thought comes from reading the article and seeing the following quote:
Critics said it would lead to racial profiling.
If you still believe there ISN'T racial profiling in America, then you should be kicked out of the country along with the illegals. Look, I have brown skin (sometimes dark sometimes light depending on my sun exposure), black hair and non-slanted eyes. That means I'm profiled as Mexican. I've said it before and I'll probably say it a million times more, "Americans only see so many ethnicity categories [especially in Southern states]: White, Black, Asian, and Mexican/Hispanic." If you are German, Jewish, Irish you'd fall under White; Nigerian, African, Ethiopian you'd fall under Black. China, Korea, Japan you'd fall under Asian. Spanish, Columbian, Argentinian you'd fall under Mexican (or "politically correct" Hispanic).

If you doubt me, ride around with me for a day (or less). You can see first-hand how many times I'm "profiled" whether it be driving, walking into a department store, or going to a restaurant. The funny thing is I'm profiled by all other races. I can't tell you how many times I'm spoken Spanish to. Should I feel pissed off that I'm profiled...not by just Whites but also Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.

Hell yeah, I'm pissed off. Everyday! But because of my upbringing in the South by a White dad, I'm just as racial profiling as anyone else...maybe worse! The difference with me is that I make fun of ALL races. I've lived with and am relatives with all backgrounds so I believe I've earned a bit of a right to poke fun or slur the races I'm extremely familiar with because it comes from fact not assumption or fiction! LOL!

Since the federal government doesn't want the states to overstep their "authority," then they should stop worrying about what's going on in other countries and start paying attention to the homeland. It too take time but making the world a better place starts at home. If the U.S. can't solve its own problems, why the hell would we think we could fix the world's.

Ah well, the quick post turned into more of a rant. I just can't stand to read people having sympathies for illegal immigrants. "They just want a better way of life" you say but I say, "Go about it the legal way. If it happens, then good. If not, then it just wasn't meant to be! Things worth having are not easy to come by. If they were, I would have illegally purchased my college degree a long time ago!"

Oh well, it's almost 5 o'clock so it's quitting time! At least there's something to "Woohoo" about.

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