Friday, May 11, 2007

Humor 05/11/2007

Once again from my calendar "Why Do Men Have Nipples?", I think I have another favorite word...
Bathykolpian (adj.) Deep-bosomed.
Derived from the Greek bathus (deep) and kolpos (cleft). Actually kolpos referred to not only to the cleft between the breasts (and so the breasts themselves, as here), but also the cleft of the vagina. Thus we get the medical prefix colpo -,as in "colposcope," a surgical instrument used to examine the vagina and the cervix.

This is a Saturday Night Live clip when Payton Manning hosted. They didn't have embedding coding that I could find and I didn't want to take the time to steal save it to something like YouTube. It's worth the trip though.

Payton Manning gives back to kids in the community.

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