Monday, December 03, 2007

Heroes season finale

I must say that TV shows and movies tend to end up disappointing me in some form or fashion...usually for bullshit happenings.

After watching the season finale of Heroes this evening, I must say it has once again fallen into the disappointment category.

Now granted, I am not some dumb ass that believes all shit that happens in shows/movies is real BUT there is a certain continuity that you must keep with the "fantasy."

Take for instance tonight with Heroes. Near the end, Kristen Bell's character (I forget her name) comes in just in time to save Suresh and gang from Sylar. He starts to dart out of Suresh's lab when Kristen's character shoots him with a bolt of energy. Sylar is thrown through the glass door but is able to...not a run or a walk but maybe...scamper away. Bullshit!

Let's flash back a few episodes to when Peter is walking down a hospital corridor after saving Nathan from falling from the sky after he (Peter) "blew up." He is struck by Kristen's character which renders him unconscious.

Flash back to the season finale....why didn't this same thing happen to Sylar? I mean Sylar is a little wimpier looking than Peter plus Peter can heal himself so the effects of the energy bolt should have been less than Sylars.

Also, I don't know how many Mexicans you have ever run into but how many do you know that are as trust worthy as the ones in the show...especially real Mexicans that were on the run in Mexico and run into this gringo and all of a sudden the sister is in "love"???

WTF ever!

But just like every other shit stick out there, I will return to see next season because I guess, yes, I really am a dumb ass!

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