Thursday, October 23, 2008

Technical Newsletters

I'm kind of a computer geek. I'm not one of those like serious nerds but I do like me some electronics and I occasionally like to work/toy with them to figure out how they work or how I can screw them up and make them work. It's not so prominent in my day-to-day life now that I'm older with a family and kids because they come first and then there are about a dozen other things and then there is "Jay time."

Anyway before I get to off topic. I have signed up with many online technical journals/webizines/etc. that I either receive their newsletters via email or on Google Reader.

A particular email newsletter that I joined within the past year or so but no more than two is called Ask Leo!. It's pretty informative, to an extent, but only if you click on a link within the email to "read the rest of the story" which opens your default browser back to the Ask Leo! web site where you can read the question and answer article.

I don't like to have to do that. It's a real pain in the ass and I usually don't click the link unless it's a topic in which I am REALLY interested. I prefer to read the question and see the answer in the newsletter. In my opinion, that's the whole point of signing up for the I don't have to visit the web site.

Kind of like WinXP News. There is also a Vista version but I have XP. Most of the questions are answered within the email newsletter. There are links to deeper discussions on certain topics like "Is big brother watching you?" or "Are you going to upgrade to Windows Vista or wait for Windows 7?" but the quick how-to/help questions are posted and answered within the email newsletter.

Anyway, I was going to rant a bit more about it but I actually started this post a couple of days ago and lost my train of thought.

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