Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Superman Returns - not as bad as they say

Superman Returns. I went to see this last night with my nephew. For me, I must say it wasn't that bad.

I think they could have found a more appealing actress to play Lois Lane and Brandon Routh is NO Christopher Reeve but, all in all, the movie was a decent movie with good morals of which is the basis of all Superman movies.

There was just something about Christopher Reeve being a clumsy nerd named Clark Kent with a bad ass alter ego called Superman. Reeve was able to pull off the opposite spectrums of each character.

Unlike Reeve, Routh just wasn't as convincing as a clumsy four-eyed dork. A few times though he almost pulled off the look that Reeve had when he'd try to be stern with people but with the utmost sensitivity. I'm sure I'm not explaining it well but if you know what I mean, well...you know what I mean.

I guess I'm a sucka for reminiscing. When I heard the theme music and then saw that Singer (the Director) stuck with the way the credits rolled in in the past movies, I was sent back to being a little boy and watching Superman (I) in the movie theater with my parents and two of my brothers. It was one of the few times that my dad went to a movie.

I'm not going to get into a whole critique of the movie and all but other than the bad choice for Lois and an okay substitute for Christopher Reeve, there were other parts of the movie that I didn't like.

One biggie was how could Lois assume that her son was the offspring of Superman? When Superman and Lois got together (was it Superman II), Superman was human. So technically, he would have fertilized her with human not Kryptonian sperm. Okay, we could answer this by saying that when he transformed back into Superman at the Fortress of Solitude and Zod and his sidekicks were turned into human that the transformation COULD have affected the unknown baby in Lois' womb. Only thing is that the effect took away the super powers for those outside of the little crystal vestibule that Superman was in while he got the powers back.

With me?

Days later at the Daily Planet, Lois still knows that Clark is Superman. Clark plants a powerful memory-wiping lip-lock on Lois and she forgets about it all.

Fast forward to Superman Returns...Superboy shoves a piano into a guy threatening Lois, his mother, and Lois thinks, "Hm, he must be Superman's son." In fact, she tells Superman he's his kid when he's comatose in the hospital. But, I'm thinking if she doesn't remember anything about their little escapade in the Fortress of Solitude shouldn't she be thinking, "How the hell did Superman impregnate me without me knowing?" and she'll file a lawsuit against Superman for rape.

Anyway, other than the nitpicking, it is still a good story about how he stands for truth, justice and the American way.

The world needs unbiased heroes and kids need people to believe in even if they are not completely real. Maybe the world wouldn't suck as bad as it does at times in present reality.

I'm out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lois mourns her love for Superman because he left for five years without saying goodbye. She had it bad for him and he left. After the kiss that made her forget, she forgot everything that happened although the director didn't exactly point out how much she actually forgot but you could just tell by her actions after the kiss that it was a full wipe. If she knew everything about what happened except for Clark being Superman why didn't she search for him in the five years at the Fortress because she would have known where it was...IF she remembered.

They just didn't make it really clear like Jay says but it was still a good movie.