Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Third day of class

I don't think I'll do an "'every day' of class" blog. It's just too time consuming for me. I've got work, school, being a parent, being a husband and playing video games to do. Somewhere in there I'll fit rest and relaxation but it's usually an afterthought. I'm also sure no one wants to be bored to death hearing about English rhetoric.

3rd day of class I was about 3 minutes late. I can't always leave my office exactly in enough time to get to class on time. The prof has a policy though that if a student gets 3 10-minute tardies, it will equal one absence. I think that's bullshit because, really, what is 10 minutes out of 1 hour and 50 minutes of class time? It's not a big deal because I don't plan on being later than 3-5 minutes if at all but it's not like I'm a "normal" student who is coming from a dorm or apartment.

Any-hoo... I got into class and the moment I sit down, the prof is handing me a quiz. A quiz!? Holy spandex, Batman! Luckily, it was on the story I had actually read and I just spent the late night of Monday to the early morning of Tuesday perusing for quotes and examples for my paper. This quiz was mine! She was timing the damn quiz too! It was easy but still a 15 minute quiz?

Damn, college sucks! LOL! I took the quiz, turned in my paper, and then the prof started going over the quiz questions after everyone turned the quiz in. She went over the first question and on a technicality I missed it, along with a few others in the class, but she said she would give us credit. She's so nah-eese!

After the quiz, we had more lecture over the story and then we were given ANOTHER paper assignment. I guess this falls under one of the three "outside of class" papers. The one I just turned in was probably considered homework. What the hell! It's all papers to me whether it is 1-2 pages or 3 pages or more. It's tough for this old man who hasn't seen English rhetoric in about 10 years! This paper is due on June 6th. That's basically in one week. Jeez, I'm going to drop! NOT...yet! LOL!

Did I mention how much I hate school?

So, tonight will be filled with me having to read yet another story and thinking about what I want to write on for the big paper due in a week.

This is madness...pure madness!

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