Wednesday, October 18, 2006

One of the biggest hoaxes of our time - the automatic dishwasher

I don't know who invented it but they are making a butt load of money off of rich, dumb ass people!

My wife is one of the dumb asses that believes int he product but we didn't have to buy the appliance as I am a renter and it came with the house.

I don't understand why people think that it does what it touts. It doesn't clean ANY and ALL dishes ALL the time. No matter what anyone says, you still have to pre-clean some dishes like that baked-on-caked-on lasagna or casserole that grandma made. For that dish, there WILL be scrubbing and cleaning with a lot of elbow grease before you even put that shit in the dishwasher! Trust me! Anyone that tells you different and you believe them probably sold you some ocean front property in Arizona!

My wife says she'll do the dishes. Her "doing" is putting the dishes into the dishwasher. Of course, the dishes don't get washed until the dishwasher is started. Which the dishwasher doesn't get started until the dishwasher is full or damn near full. So, sometimes a day or so could go by before the dishes are washed by the dishwasher.

Which in turn leads to the occasional argument because I get frustrated and pissed off when I am looking for a spoon to eat my bowl of cereal that is getting soggy because I can't finding a fucking CLEAN spoon. So, I have to open the dishwasher, take out a dirty spoon that really could have easily been wiped clean with a soapy sponge and warm water but instead I have to dig it out of its storage container in the dishwasher and clean it so I can eat my now syrupy cereal. Once I am done eating drinking my cereal, I wash my bowl AND spoon under the faucet with a soapy sponge. Easy as pie. End of story.

The problem is my wife likes to let shit lie around for hours or days. When I cook dinner for the family, I clean up my mess afterwards and even wash the dishes I used so they don't get dried-on-baked-on-caked-on or take up the small kitchen counter area because that's just the kind of guy I am!

See me do it! Learn from doing it! YOU Do it! That's what I try to instill in my wife but I just am not getting through to her. She's got a PhD but she can't get IT!

Oh well, I just had to type about it because that's what I just got done doing. Washing the dishes and then finding there is a shit load of them in the dishwasher waiting for who the hell knows how long to be washed. So, I just turned the damn dishwasher on and had to come release some frustration.

I don't think it worked!

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