Sunday, January 04, 2009

Beggar, Vangrant...Bum

People will say that most of the homeless people begging on the street corners typically have some type of mental illness. I say, "So the fuck what!?"

It pisses me off when I pull up to a traffic light that is red and seeing some beggar walking, hobbling or whatever gimmick they have down the curb of the street or even in between the cars in the middle of the road looking for a handout. I don't give a shit what has placed them on the streets. It's unsafe to allow these bums to remain on the corner and approach vehicles at will. The person in the vehicle has no idea what this beggar is going to do or is capable of doing, especially for those that believe the bums are on the street with a mental illness. The worst is when I used to have my Jeep Wrangler. I only had a bikini top and metal half doors. So, when these begging fuckers came near my Jeep, I was fully exposed to any kind of danger they might pose. Luckily, I would anticipate them approaching me and I would stick my hand out, basically saying, "Back the fuck up and stay the hell away from me!" I kept a Mag-lite next to my seat just for the "in-case" moments.

I know that Dallas has passed some vagrant/bum law but it's not like they can lock up every bum ass bastard on the street because they will just hang out for the night and be right back out on the corner the next evening. And no matter how many time they get arrested and fined, it's not like they have money for payment. So, they don't pay the fines and maybe they go to prison. Now, I'm paying as a tax payer to house and feed these fuckers! What a fucking racket!

The other defense for these bums is that they can't get hired anywhere. Maybe but I do know Kroger hires just about anyone to be a courtesy clerk aka sacker. I've often wondered what corner they found a few of their sackers but at least they are working and not bumming on the street.

Anyway, after sharing my disgust of the city's leeches, there are others out there that I think may be just as bad.

Saturday, I was on my way home from playing tennis in Hurst. I was on Hwy 114 at Freeport Parkway just north of DFW Airport. I needed to get gas. There is a Shell/Whataburger combo-station on the corner. I pull to an open fuel pump behind another vehicle at the pump in front of it. As I'm slowing to a stop, I see an older, white male approach a much older, white man pumping gas in his vehicle. My windows are down because it was like 80 degrees on Saturday and I hear the older man say something to the much older man about how he's been at the gas station for a couple of hours and wanted to know if he could spare a couple of dollars for him to put gas in his vehicle. The much older man says no in not-so-many words. At this time, I'm at a complete stop, turning off my vehicle when the older man looks my way and I think to myself, "That fucker is going to come ask me for money!"

Sure enough, I get out, head to the back of my vehicle to remove the gas cap and slide my debit card for payment as he comes around the back of my vehicle and says, "Sir?" I let him speak and he continues with, "Could you spare a few dollars for me to get gas in my vehicle so I can go pick up my check?" I was like, "What?" I flashed my debit card and said, "I only have plastic!" I wanted to beat the wholly hell out of him for even approaching me but I watch him walk off to make sure he didn't stay near me. As I locked the handle to pump the gas, I leaned on my driver-side door to peer through and see if I could tell what the man was doing now. I saw him come out from behind a gas pump and I watched to see what he was going. It turns out the pump he was at just happened to be where his vehicle was. I know this because I saw him look into the vehicle and grab on the door handle. I figured he wouldn't be stupid enough to do this on a stranger's vehicle. Anyway, I further was pissed off that he had the audacity to approach me, much less anyone, when his vehicle was a fairly new Ford F150. I was like "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

I finish with my fueling and as I get into my vehicle to drive off, I look to see where "Mr. Bum" is. I see him standing on the curb/sidewalk in front of the gas station door waiting and looking for his next "victim."

So, you tell me why I should give a shit about this type of bum or any type of bum. I bust my ass for my income and if I got laid off or fired, I'd be damned sure to find a job as quick as possible no matter what I got paid because if I didn't get the same or more money, some money is better than no money!

Oh well, I just thought I'd share my "pissed-offness."

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