Thursday, August 28, 2008

Code violation

Not in sports but in business.

Yesterday I was helping my immediate supervisor and a couple of coworkers (all female) move some boxes, about 12, from the storage attic in our building to the fourth floor where the semi-industrial shredder is. It's my token man/Mexican duty since I'm the only male (straight) in the office and I look like a Mexican. Get it? Technically, I could tell them to fuck off but I'm a nice person and it's not in my nature to initially respond to requests of manual labor assistance. Helping them appeals to my perception of my manliness. Okay, it really doesn't. I really am just a nice person...most of the time.

Anyway, I was carting the fully loaded dolly down a hallway when my coworker who sits right next to me says, "Jay, you can almost put it in a pony tail."

Quick sidebar: I've sort of started growing my hair our, long, whatever they want to call it. I really don't care about the length in the back. I plan on having a head of hair that is basically the same length all the way around my head. Kind of like an old-school skater/surfer dude but not completely. I planned on doing this while I dropped some weight off of my fat ass but the hair seems to have grown quicker than my body has shrunk. Fucking Spicy Crispy Chicken Sandwiches w/o Mayo at Wendy's!

Back from sidebar: My immediate supervisor says, "He's waiting for [the Dean or Boss-boss] to tell him to cut it." I snickered and was like, "Whatever. She knows as well as I know that she can't tell me what to do with my hair. It's like telling me not to be gay if I was gay."

The ignorance of some people. I'm not working in a corporate environment which if I did I know there would be some form of dress code although I don't think long hair could be outright regulated. There is always some way to work around actually trying to control something but still controlling it. I've been in the corporate world and seen it many times.

Anyway, the Boss-boss has actually violated me multiple times by touching my hair, balling it into a pony tail and pretending to cut it with scissor fingers. Now that, pretty much secured my job for some time to come.

I wonder what the statute of limitations on sexual and gender harassment is. I say gender as well because I am the only male in the office that I typically get asked to move/carry stuff for the women in the office and because I'm a nice guy, I say yes even though technically it's not my job to do. I will probably never do anything like press charges but I will mention it to them to keep them off my back about petty things like having to leave work for 30-45 mins to pick my kids up from school once or twice a week. Basically it's all bullshit!

I can't believe I have like thirty more years to put up with bullshit before I retire. Dammit!

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