Friday, January 21, 2011

Villa Rides (1968)

Went home during lunch the other day and looked to see what was on my "free Showtime" channels. It turns out I get some channel called FLIX.

They had this older flick called Villa Rides from 1968. As previously mentioned, these movies are the reason why I don't pay for "premium" movie channels.

Anyway, I was curious to take a gander at it because the actors listed were Yul Brynner and Charles Bronson. What a combination! You got a guy that played some semi-peaceful king and a cold-blooded-vigilante-type good cop. Also, knowing that Villa is Mexican and the movie was about him I was interested to see who played the Mexicans in the movie.

It was sort of funny for me to see that Brynner was the main character, Villa, and Bronson was like the right-hand man to Yul's Villa. I found it amusing because they are European "whites" and yet they were playing North American Mexicans. They did pass the role fairly well themselves but the kicker was one of the females. A white, American aviator played by Robert Mitchum stopped by some church to say 'Goodbye' to his Mexican lady love who just happens to be very fair-skinned with the bluest blue eyes I have EVER seen on a Mexican woman much less ANY ethnic woman. She did have black hair which makes all the difference in making sure the audience knows she's Mexican.

The movie was okay to watch but I remember it more for the oddities of actors chosen for the parts. I guess they had to make due in the 'old days.'

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