Monday, March 29, 2010

Baby...a Justin Bieber song

My kids were watching Nick's Kid's Choice Awards this weekend. I walked in on Justin Bieber's performance of "Baby."

For me personally, I wasn't impressed. It has nothing to do with his age. It had more to do with the annoying repetitiveness of the song. It's not his fault because that seems to be all the rage: see songs by the Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna, Beyonce, or many other four-phrase-hit-wonder bands. The RIAA blames file-sharing for the downfall of the CD but they should actually take a personal inventory on how many "real" and "good" artists they have these days. I can personally listen to a song just for the beat for maybe 10-20 times and then the words start to creep in to my mind and I begin thinking, "Why the hell do I like this song again?" About that time is when the interest for that song wanes and I move actual time, that's probably 3-7 days. Done!

Anyway, I give Justin props for talent. I don't mean his lyrical ability (if he actually writes his songs). I mean according to his Wiki he taught himself how to play piano, guitar, drums and trumpet. That's talent. His voice isn't bad but for the repetitive lyrics and the bullshit "love" songs from a kid that's 16 years old, I find it hard to get into his music.

Now, yes, I am not in his target demographic...WAY above it...but I would hope our kids have a better understanding and love of music than crap like this. I know. I know. They don't quite have that grasp but I can hope.

Anyway, if you get a chance to Google his performance, you will be sorely disappointed as was I. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he's just another white boy that wants to be "black" too? (I tend not to care what the PC term should be). Yeah, he kept pulling up his "baggy" pants during his performance...and that was pointed out by my oldest!

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