Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nine Lives (2002)

Nine Lives (2002). I just watched this movie last night on Hulu. You can check it out here, really you want to...NOT!

I really didn't expect too much out of the movie, especially since it had Paris Hilton in it, but I did have hopes of gratuitous nudity to make up for a shitty movie. I was very disappointed.

Without nudity, the story line was dumb and previously done. The cinematography was lame. The acting was the worst. But I sat through the whole thing. I have to. It's one of those things that I just can't leave a movie incomplete. I think out of the 100s of movies I've seen that there is probably only 1-2 if any at all that I could not, did not watch in its entirety.

FINAL VERDICT: If you like to torture yourself such as I, then have a go at it. It's free torture. Otherwise, you can pass and revel in the knowledge that I suffer through these shitty movies so you don't have to.

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