Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More celebrity commentary

I will get back to typing about my boring perspective on life as soon as I get more focused but I thought I'd share some more interesting photos of celebrities. So, here they come...

Let's start off with a rather interesting (disturbing) view of the much-hyped Britney Spears "giving birth" statue. I don't think I've seen any photos from this angle in ANY of the news stories that ran about this statue. I think I know why. The head of the baby (that's what I'm assuming it is) helps form kind of like a giant clit. Vewwy interesting!

Here's some flash backs for the older crowd...
Remember when Farrah Fawcett was hot!? And wasn't publicly out with her insaneness? I do. I fantasized to this poster many times as a young lad. Oh, the good times....

Cry Baby
I think this is one Johnny Depp movie that doesn't get much hype...Cry Baby. I don't recall much said if anything about it when Johnny was on Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton. I thought it was funny as hell, especially that ugly, funny-looking, big-nosed weird chick! Watch the movie, you'll know the woman I'm talking about.

I think the world is tired of Pamela Anderson
At least I am. I mean I think there was a time when she was an attractive, augmented Baywatch babe but that time has come and gone. She is kind of scary looking in the first picture and the second, I'm wondering if she gets satellite TV because her nipples are always pointing up to the south sky.

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