Thursday, June 12, 2008


No, I'm not talking about these things here or here but definitely here--(I did not expect to get a photo but I'm not complaining).

Should I be ashamed of my attraction? Is it taboo still to speak (write) about it? Sue me! I'm a male and it's my birthright to be the way I am. I'm sure it's also genetic. Anyway...

I unexpectedly discovered a bonus to my lowering the temperature in my classroom during class. Normally, I walk or ride my bike to work/school. It's kind of hot right now (Duh!), even in the morning at 7:45 a.m, so by the time I get to work I'm a little warm and near sweaty, especially under where my backpack straps fall and on my back.

When I get into the classroom, it's usually not cool enough for me so I (being that I know how) change the desired temperature on the thermostat, which happens to be right behind where I sit on the back row, to something insanely low (as low as it will go) like 69 degrees. The room temperature is usually around 71-73 degrees before adjustment. It really doesn't seem to get colder but it gives the feeling of so as the fans will run more consistently to reach 69 degrees.

Today, I was pleasantly surprised to see my attempts for my comfort adversely affects the females in the class. Not that I really care how they feel because it's not of my concern but today a couple of girls, one very busty, walked into class with like a...what do they call it...spaghetti-strap top with a sort of built-in bra. My wife has a few of these (when she wears them I can't keep my hands to myself) and I'm sure the females know what I am talking about. Anyway, she comes in the door to my left and she goes to her usual seat that is on the row in front of me about three seats to my left. As she walks through the door and to her seat, what do I see...


And for such a busty girl, these are tiny nips. Maybe it takes a lot of circulation to those things to get them bigger or harder or whatever but they were pretty nice. I found myself unable to turn my head away from her as she approached her seat. Finally, I pulled myself together enough to turn away and seem like I was just dazing instead of perving.

But then all through class, I could not stop thinking about her, well her boobs. I'm telling you, sometimes when I see such things, I can't help but dwell. Every time she would move, I'd check to see if I could catch a glimpse. Geez! It was so energy-consuming! I was still able to take notes and listen in class but her every single movement caught my eye.

There was another girl that was a little further across the classroom so I wasn't as "in to" her but damn, the female form is so distracting!

Sometimes I think I am in the wrong career. I think I should have or should become a photographer. That way I will have the many beautiful female forms archived in something more tangible than my little brain.

Now, don't take me for some serious porn-atic. I love the female form (most shapes, anyway) with or without clothing. Hell, some females look way better IN clothes than out of them! Trust me, I've seen a few.

Anyway, that's my news for the day. The day started off well. It was almost like winning the lottery...but not really.

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