Monday, June 23, 2008

In the news 06/23/2008

From the Associated Press via Dallas News online:
MINEOLA, Texas -- In the windowless front rooms of a former day care center in a tiny Texas community, children as young as 5 were fed powerful painkillers they knew as "silly pills" and forced to perform sex shows for a crowd of adults.

I don't understand why we waste money on trials for cases that are pretty much cut and dry. Of course, I don't know how cut and dry this was but it seems pretty obvious to me that these people need to be tied by their ankles and dragged around the town of Mineola to show others what happens to child predators and sickos that are "entertained" by such repulsive acts!

Basically, they should be made to suffer and then to suffer some more and then maybe to suffer some more and then maybe they'd be put to death. I'd volunteer to be the punisher!

This type of crime seriously disgusts me. And then I'm disgusted more because we waste resources that could go to other things.

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