Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tom Clancy's End War for PS3

So, I purchased Tom Clancy's End War PS3 game (Wiki entry) about a month ago. Yes, it's been out a while and that's why I got it for $14.99 at my Blockbuster store. I didn't do much research on the game other than at Gamespot where I saw the rating was 7.5-Good. I saw some of the screen captures and thought it looked like a good game.

Not doing more research and the screen captures being a little misleading (for my simple mind), when I finally got a chance to play the game about a week ago, I realized it was not the game I expected. It was especially not the type of game I've come to expect from the Tom Clancy video game series (another Wiki entry).

The ones I'm used to or more like the 1st/3rd person shooters like the Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell games. It's what I like. It's what I prefer.

End War is nothing like these. It's more of a tactical game play where you control multiple vehicle types and such. Kind of like Star Craft or Command and Conquer. Now I like Star Craft and the C&C games but I know/knew what kind of games they were and expected a certain style of game play. All of those games are "overhead" game play except for C&C: Renegade and probably one other.

Anyway, I'm not saying that End War is a bad game. The graphics that I did see while tinkering around the game were pretty decent. Nothing exciting but also nothing noticeably terrible. For me, it was as exciting and intuitive as the SC and C&C games and most definitely is not a fun, tactical 1st-person shooter.

If you like to and want to read the instructions and learn how to play the game, it will probably be a good one for you. Personally, I'm in the pop the disk in and let's start firing mode at the moment...or any games that are similar to such.

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