Friday, October 22, 2010

Craigslist posting

Browsing the furniture-by-owner section of Craigslist again and came across this listing.

I guess most people would maybe do the same (I have actually given away many things that have been donated to me or things I just don't need/use anymore versus selling) but the poster is trying to make a profit off something that was DONATED by the previous owner. Now, I could see selling them for cheap (or free) but when they typed, "I am told they should be worth at least $2000 but we are open to an offer," it sets a precedence that even though you can make an offer we would like to expect something close-to or half-of the "worth" price.

It reminds me a lot of those posting where people say, "Free Oak" if you come out and dig up the tree. Or "Free Rose Bushes" if you come and dig them up. They really aren't "free" because there is more effort involved than just coming to get the items.

Oh well.

Click her for actual post while it lasts.

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