Saturday, July 23, 2005

Disrespect by David #1

One of the biggest things I cannot stand is disrespectfulness.

Some people just don't get it no matter how much you explain it to them or point out the obviousness of their disrespect.

Let's take a look at an example of my personal experiences...

My nephew, David (#4 nephew), is 16 years old. For some reason he's got a "the world owes me shit" attitude. Why and where he got this is beyond me but one of these days I feel I may have to knock it out of him! He's kind of dorky and his definitely got speech problems. I have nicknamed him "Corky" like the Downs Sydrome kid in the "Life Goes On" television show from way back when of 1989.

His most recent showing of disrespect was Saturday night when I stopped by my parents' house for my girls to visit for a bit with their uncles (#2 and #5 brothers) and other cousin, David's older brother, Robbie (#2 nephew). We were there for a bit and I was talking about David's stinginess a few days before with Robbie and my brother, Donald.

Here's the episode I was telling them about...

We went to Cici's Pizza for dinner on Thursday (I think). I paid for my kids AND David - the wife was at work. After the kids had their pizza and dessert, they were interested in getting some things out of the gumball machines. I paid for dinner with my debit card and didn't have any cash or change.

The kids asked David for 50 cents. He said he didn't have any change. This I could not dispell but I did know that he had money. In fact, he had $35 in $5 bills that I gave him for helping us move over our moving weekend. At first, I didn't say anything because I wanted to see how he continued the conversation with my children. Basically, I wanted to see if he offered up to break a five or not. He didn't so I told them to not bother asking him for anything even though he has a five dollar bill because he's stingy. My oldest asked me what stingy meant. I told her and then she started telling David he was stingy and told him what it meant. He said he knew what it meant but I'm not completely sure he understands the full meaning and reasoning why people are called stingy. I told him he could easily break one of those fives and get fifty cents each for my kids. He said, "I'm saving that money." I was like, "What fucking for?!" He said, "I owe Dad and Uncle Donald money." I said, "For what could you owe your Dad for? And I remember you owe Donald for the porn you purchased on his digital cable program." Funny thing, it's soft porn so there is no showing of penetration. What a waste of money but I guess he is a teenager and porn is porn. LOL! I told him, "David, what are you going to with the $35 if you were to die right now? Nothing! Because you can't take it with you!" Dumbass!

A few minutes or so pass and David makes a quizzical look like "Hm, maybe I do have change in my pockets." He has pants that have like for pockets in the front - two in the normal hip area and two on the thighs. He reaches into the right hip pocket and pulls out a quarter and gives it to my oldest. He reaches into the left hip pocket and pulls out another quarter and gives it to my youngest. I tell, "I cannot believe you blatantly lied to my kids right in front of me!" He says, "I didn't lie." I said, "David, you said you didn't have ANY change and then you pull out fifty cents from your two pockets. How can you say you didn't lie?" He says, "I didn't lie. I didn't know I had that change in my pocket." Now, if you knew David as I do, you'd know he's lying to me because he KNOWS when he has money in his possession or not AND he knows when people owe him money - that's a family gene passed on from one generation to the next.

Anyway, I try to explain to him the simplicity of the issue. I said, "David, you told my kids that you didn't have ANY change and now all of a sudden you have two quarters. So, you lied!" "No, I didn't," he says. He never can take any responsibility for his actions. Never! Anyway, a few seconds later he reaches into the right hip pocket and pulls out another quarter and then does the same with the left hip pocket giving one each to my kids. Again, I tell David that he lied! He went from not having ANY change to fifty cents and now a dollar in change!

I told him he was true to his last name. Most of my family are self-centered and stingy. If they do help, it's not out of pure kindness and generosity. It is out of what favor can you do for them later since they did a favor for you now. I, on the other hand, help those that I feel deserve it without expecting anything in return except for the respect that I deserve. If that respect turns out to be monetary or a favor later, then so be it but it's not expected. If someone helped me, I would help them if I could out of respect and a sense of obligation.

Anyhow, I wasn't too pleased once again with the attitude of David. I appreciate all his assistance with the move and all but I think he begins to wear on me a little bit when I see more and more of his asshole-ness! That little bitch gets the royal treatment when he's over my house. I buy him lunch and/or dinner at restaurants or my wife cooks very good meals that he eats as well. He gets to drink sodas, milk or whatever else I might have in the fridge. He plays on my computers, my game consoles and watches my cable television. All free of charge. What more could he ask for lazy ass bastard!

So, I get home later in the evening and I tell this story about Cici's to my wife. She razzes David about it as well. We start saying things like, "David, I got milk in the fridge but you can't have any because I'm saving it" or "David, you can play my video games until I go to bed because I'm saving my electricity" or "David, I have steak and soda in the fridge but you can't have any because I'm saving it!" I still don't think he got the point of his stupidity at Cici's and I'm sure he thought it was all fun and jokes. He's got another thing coming.

So, that's the disrespectfulness by David #1. Oh, there have been other times but those were further in the past and we'll just stick to more recent ones. I'll post another which is basically a continuation of the day I was telling Donald and Robbie about the Cici's incident.

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