Sunday, July 17, 2005

Man how time flies

Today just breezed on by.

I woke about 10:30 a.m. this morning after a late night. I didn't feel fully rested and refreshed but I pressed on to get my butt out of bed.

I cleaned my room a little more. Took out some trash. Changed out the dryer power cord and hooked it up. Backed up a few of my personal DVDs - this has actually taken me a few days and nights because it's a lengthy process if you use the free tools out there instead of the all-in-one purchase products which combine the free tools into a nice package for you.

Anyway, before I knew it 4 p.m. had rolled around and then 6 p.m. and so on. Shit how time flies when you are busy doing something useful or not. My wife would say that I'm not doing something useful but my computers are being used by me so to me it is somewhat useful. OK, no more rambling...

I told my wife she had until 7pm for us to watch "Miss Congeniality" or I was going to watch it without her. She said she could watch it now (it was around 6:30 p.m.) but I told her I wasn't finished with what I was doing. I only gave it until 7 p.m. because I didn't want to be up late because I had work the next day. Since I haven't had good sleep or gone to bed at a decent hour, I didn't want to cause myself to stay up late again. Obviously by the time on this post, it didn't happen. Anyway, we started the movie about 7:10 p.m. and finished shortly after 10pm. Mainly because of the following:

Around 8ish and roughly just after starting the movie, my wife and kids baked me some quick bake brownies, put a Crayola-styled candle in it and sung me a wonderful rendition of "Happy Birthday." It went something like this...
Happy birthday to you (cha cha cha)
Happy birthday to you (cha cha cha)
Happy birthday dear Dad - dy (cha cha cha)
Happy birthday to you (cha cha cha)
All with butt shaking moves! Ha ha!

We started watching the movie again when we had some incident with the kids not getting along because one wants to play with the other but the other wants to play alone for some reason. It never ends. I think this problem occurred a few times today. It's usually because the oldest one wants to control the concept/dialog/plot of the playing and the youngest wants to add her own edits but the oldest wants it her way...and it goes on and on and on until someone's feelings get hurt and then there is screaming or crying and then mommy and daddy have to step in and set things straight.

So, after multiple interruptions, the movie concluded. It was actually a pretty decent movie. Funny and entertaining. Definitely worth renting on the Blockbuster movie pass!

Well, I'm tired and I've got to get up early for work tomorrow. It's another Monday on the start of the second half of my life.

Meaning: I have told my wife that I don't believe my life will be longer than sixty-eight years. Of course, I could croak earlier but I'm sure my max is sixty-eight. Why you ask? Because my dad passed away at 68 two years later my mom passed away at 68. A couple of my dad's brothers croaked at 68 although one is 72ish but had a stroke at 68 and basically drools out of one side of his mouth. He's been in the hospital a few more times since so he's just biding his time. One brother of my dad is a "healthy" 70+ but 1 out of 5 brothers isn't good odds. My mother had a brother and sister die before they were 68 and her father died around 70.

The only thing in my favor is that I am more athletic and "healthy" than they all were. I exercise with tennis or roller hockey at least twice a week for 1-5 hours each. I could do more but I am a working father with two kids and it's tough to find time that fits my schedule, my wife's schedule and my kids' schedule. Hopefully, I'll find some peaceful medium and I can write that out as an excuse. I watch what I eat and exercise as often as I can (sort of) but nothing seems to help. It must be the genetic make up from my mom's side - she was Polynesian. Have you ever really seen a skinny Polynesian? The odds are like winning the Texas lottery. I'm destined to be pudgy! ;-)

Maybe I need TrimSpa, Baby! LOL!

Anyway, so the next thirty four years I had better make even more rocking than the first thirty four. I'm sure with the wonderful wife and kids I have it will be no problem!

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