Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My kids have done this

...tied the jump rope to a door handle but not the hanging themselves part.

I don't leave my kids unsupervised and I don't want to sound mean but this seems like a case of "dumb ass!"
July 27, 2005 (New York Post)-- A 6-year-old girl accidentally strangled herself while she jumped rope last night inside her grandparents' Queens home, police said. Najiyah Roberts, who was visiting from Virginia, tied the rope to a door knob in her grandparents' two-family home on 120th Avenue in Springfield Gardens at about 5:30 p.m.

About 30 minutes later, police said, Najiyah's grandmother found her body on the floor with the rope wrapped around her neck.

Police said the death appeared to be a tragic accident.

Najiyah, who lived in Charlotte Court House, Va., had been staying with her grandparents since June.

The city Medical Examiner's Office will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

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